
It's Almost That Wonderful Time of the Year!

One of my favorite times of the year is "Back to School". Fall is definitely my favorite season of the year!!! But I am also in love with the cooler weather, the changing color of the leaves, the game of football, and of course school supplies! I still get excited to buy school supplies even if it is for my children. There is a wonderful feeling of getting to start over and the challenges of getting to learn new things that excite me.

So we are in count down mode for our first day back to school. This year I will have a 2nd grader, 1st grader/finishing up some Kindergarten work, a Pre-K5, and a 14 month-old baby. This is going to be an interesting year because the older children are getting older and having a baby in the mix. I will be praying for extra patience and wisdom to know how we need to schedule our school times and "mommy and me" times. I love all my children, and I want them to know that I love each of them individually. My biggest goal or area of growth that I would like to see is that the children and I memorize several scriptures from the Bible. It is my prayer that the children desire a relationship with Jesus and become a follower of Him.

I need to get started with some more lesson plans and finish organizing the children's binders. Oh my! So much to do and so little time!!!

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