
How Can it Be MAY Already?

Hi Friends!!! We are getting ready to wind down yet another school year here. Even though we homeschool year round, I do like to take some time off in the summer. This year has been crazy-busy and crazy-fast. Can you believe that it is already May? I feel like before I know it my oldest will be turning 1 year old, and then it will be Christmas next.

So I have been thinking, praying, and planning for the direction of my little space here, and I am planning on starting an online book reading club later this year. There will still be posts about our homeschool journey, curriculum reviews, and just fun stuff.

This school year has been another one full of learning as well as life happenings. We added our fifth sweet baby back in September, enjoyed a long Christmas break, endured really bad reoccurring colds during the winter funk, and soon will be watching my older daughter in her dance recital. My kids have grown physically. mentality, and spiritually this past year-especially my oldest three kids.

I have been challenged and stretched beyond what I could do, and really it is only because of Jesus that I have made it this far. This motherhood and homeschooling journey can be hard some days. I like to remind myself of the following verse when I am at the point of "I-can't-take-another-step": "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31 And then I like to enjoy some dark chocolate once the little ones are asleep. So how has your homeschool year been?

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