
Walk It Out - Book Review

Walk It Out by Tricia Goyer

I am planning on making this into a series of posts about books that I have been reading, reviewing or just books that are in my "to-be-read" pile. I haven't decided if this will be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly yet. Sometimes I write about books in my homeschooling posts too.

 This is my review of the book, Walk It Out by Tricia Goyer and all opinions are my own.

If you ever get the chance to be a part of a book launch team, then I say go for it! This is something that I have been getting to do for awhile now, and I love it!!! This opportunity is great for book people. My favorite part of joining a book launch team is getting to interact with the author. I think that is just the coolest thing. OK, so here is the short and long of it. This is a first for me, but I am so honored to be working on three different book launch teams currently. They are as follows:
  1. Walk It Out by Tricia Goyer
  2. The Lifegiving Table by Sally Clarkson
  3. Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey

Today I want to talk about the first book listed above, Walk It Out by Tricia Goyer. I am just going to say that if you are only familiar with her novels, then Walk It Out which is non-fiction will NOT disappoint you. I am greatly enjoying reading, highlighting, and making notes while going through this book. My heart has broken for the tragic events that have happened in Tricia's life, and my heart has also beamed with happiness for the awe-inspiring events. There is nothing cookie-cutter about this book. She has sprinkled gems of wisdom gleaned from her walk with the Lord. Every time that I read another chapter I am even more inspired to find more or different ways that my family and I can serve others. I come away encouraged to keep finds ways to walk out my faith. I think that it would be so neat to meet her in person, by the way. 

This post would get way too long to share all of my favorite quotes from the book, but I would like to leave you a few. 

  1. "I trust and follow Him as He leads me in His perfect will. I've learned that God's good plans are not always easy or neat, but when we step out in obedience we never walk alone."
  2. "His purpose for your life is one that will not only fulfill you but will also benefit the world."
  3. "It seems to me that God does His best work through ill-fitted yet determined servants who willingly follow His directives."

I also have a treat for you. Tricia asked her launch team members to share the first chapter of her book Walk It Out with everyone. Yay!! Click here for more information. Thank you for sticking around until the end of this post, and I hope that you enjoy this book as much as I have. Blessings!


Announcement for Upcoming Webinar from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Hello Friends! I just wanted to let you know about an upcoming webinar happening this week over at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. If you or someone you know works with children then please check out this webinar featuring Mr. Mark's Classroom. Scroll down to find the link and more information. 

Fresh Ideas to Engage your Children in Learning

Teachers need fresh ideas and practical solutions to engage their children in learning. Let us give you some terrific ideas so your child will enjoy learning and retain information better.  Our goal is to resource teachers so children are engaged and stay on task for the learning experience.  

            First, the teacher must realize the learning style of the child.  Many teachers are most comfortable teaching in their personal learning style but that might not be a match with the child or children being taught.  We will discover ways to identify the learning styles of the child and how we can adapt our methods to best fit and tailor to the learner.  Mr. Mark explains several practical ideas each teacher should work to employ in their classroom time.  Variety will always help make learning fun and exciting but teachers need ideas.  Mr. Mark’s Classroom is constantly buzzing with new resources and helps that assist teachers  with the variety they seek and it’s free.

            Second, the early childhood and early elementary children are most responsive to eight unique actions the teacher can always use.  By knowing how to use sensory, relationships, curiosity, imitation, play, repetition, satisfaction, and hands-on learning in the classroom, the teacher will discover greater engagement and even less behavior issues.  Mr. Mark uses these tried and true methods weekly and has created such fun experiences he will share with our teachers to use immediately.

Check out his website at and begin seeing the many ideas available to you already.  Join us September 28 from 7pm-8:30pm EST to hear him teach us the wonderful methods that will refresh you in your planning and presenting material to your children.  Mr. Mark offers a free book at his website filled with easy ideas you can download now.  

Mark your calendar and register now for our free webinar with Mr. Mark’s Classroom at


Creative and Frugal Homeschooling Tip #2

Creative and Frugal Homeschooling Tips
3 Part Mini Series
(This post contains my affiliate links. Thank you for supporting my blog and homeschool!)

In the last post, I shared with you about utilizing your public library for a creative and frugal homeschooling tip. Today, I am going to be talking about a tip that is new for our family. Some of you may have heard of the homeschool magazine called The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I have been reading this magazine for many years now. It is filled with informative and interesting articles related to homeschooling and information about homeschool-related products. 

So my second tip is the curriculum site for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Schoolhouse There will be link below for you to find out more information about Schoolhouse Teachers and about the Autumn sale that is going on until October 31st.

This is our first year to use Schoolhouse Did you know that there are over 300 classes to chose from for your whole family? And even more classes are being added weekly. Wow, this is going to be a game-changer for our family this year!! I love the fact that I can pick and chose which classes to use with each of my children, and with so many to pick we will not run out of learning ideas. There is also an area for parents that include tools such as a scope & sequence, monthly menus, schedule builders, report card creators, courses, special needs helps, and the World Book Online. This site is truly a one-stop for a family education. We believe in our house that homeschooling is so much more than just teaching our children academics, it is a lifestyle for us.

So now, let's chat about the special that is happening now. From now until October 31st, you can get a Limited Membership for grades PreK-8 for $9.95/month (reg. $14.95/month) using the code CORNCOB or an Unlimited Membership for grades PreK-12 for $10.95/month (reg. $19.95/month) using the code SCARECROW. There are BONUSES as well too:
  • two FREE fall-themed PRINT back issues of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine*
  • a bushel of digital goodies (see overseas restrictions below)
  • And, members automatically qualify to receive FREE ongoing issues of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine in the mail. The next one releases January, 2018.* (see the overseas restrictions below)

*Sorry, physical gifts/magazine free to U.S. addresses only. For information on international shipping, please contact Customer Service. The 2010 & 2011 Fall Print Issues will be given out while supplies last. Due to limited quantities, you may receive a past Fall Print Issue from a different year (not shown). You will still be sent two of our fall-themed back issues filled with wonderful tips and autumn-related content. 

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