
A Great Teacher is Always Learning

I believe that a great teacher is always learning. This teacher never feels like the quest for knowledge is finished. There is always something new to explore or ideas already learned to be explored again. While I was in college going through my childhood education program, we had to keep an online page with the different things that we were learning about. This was apart of our on-going professional development. For me it was more than just professional. Even from a young age I wanted to be a teacher. I have always enjoyed learning and reading. It is just what I do. Some of my hobbies include reading and reading and more reading.

Even before my first child was born I knew that I wanted to homeschool any children that my husband and I had. So I started my research then to learn all that I could about the task of homeschooling and the young child. And to this day I am still reading a variety of books about the topic of homeschooling, learning styles, child development, parenting from a Christian perspective, and so on. Over the last year and half I have found some great blogs and/or websites by other homeschooling moms. I appreciate the time these moms have put into sharing with the rest of the world about their homeschooling journey. I have gleamed so much from them. They are apart of the reason why I am giving blogging a chance.

I have read some great books to help me with this important task of educating my children. Here is just a short list of some of the books that I have read or I am currently reading:

  • "The Way They Learn" by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
  • "Homeschooling Gifted and Advanced Learners" by Cindy West
  • "Homepreschool and Beyond" by Susan Lemons
  • "Educating the WholeHearted  Child" by Sally Clarkson
  • "A Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual" by Catherine Levison
  • "More Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual" by Catherine Levison

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