
Are You Considering Homeschooling?

I remember when I decided that one day I was going to homeschool my child(ren). I wasn't even married or had any children of my own, but I remember what impressed me so much that I started praying about it.

 As a teenager I worked in the children's department of my local library. I loved working there. When I was in high school I would get to work around 1:30 to 2:00 in the afternoon. Because I was there before 3:00 pm, I had the privilege of getting to know some of the homeschooling families in my area. I was intrigued by the family dynamics and the strong family ties, even amongst the children. The moms and older children would collect the books for the topics being studied while the smaller children played together with the puzzles and blocks available. I just remember being so impressed with what I saw every time one of the families would visit the library. They were planting seeds of homeschooling in my life without ever knowing it. I actually ended up homeschooling my last two years of high school and loved it.

Once I started college I was torn between a few different majors. I couldn't decide if I wanted to be a librarian, a teacher or a profession in the medical field. First I went to a local two-year college while continuing to work at the library and continuing to be around those wonderful homeschooling families. After those two years I transferred to a four year college to finish my studies. Eventually I decided to pursue a teaching degree because I thought that was what I needed to be a successful homeschool mama one day and because I liked knowing that teachers had the summer off. : )

Fast forward few years. I was now married, expecting my first child, just graduated from college with a Bachelors of Science in Childhood Education, moving from one city to another, and starting my first teaching job. I was stressed and excited all at the same time with all the new beginnings my husband and I were embarking on together. And still all I could think about was all the grand learning adventures I was going to have with my soon to be born baby, a.k.a "homeschooling".

After my first sweet baby was born I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was going to homeschool her. It was such a strong desire that it became my conviction. But looking back I think that part of it was because I was scared to let anyone else influence her or raise her. I wanted more than anything to be the one to teach her everything about God, the Bible and the world that He created. I started pouring over homeschool curriculum catalogs because I was fascinated by the choices available "to give your child the very best start". I lived, dreamed and breathed homeschooling. Scary, right? Yup!!! If I could go back in time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with my 23 year old self, I would tell myself to let it go and give it to God. I was so wrapped up in planning and finding all these cute ideas that I let some of the most precious time with my baby slip through my hands. I love planning things and finding ways to organize my planning, but I have had to learn (and still learning) to just enjoy my children and having the privilege to getting to know each of them.

So here is a list that I would have given myself if I could have that conversation:

    1. Pray!!! Surrender your desires and ideas about homeschooling to God. Let Him lead and guide you on the path that He has planned for you and your family. Pray with your spouse too!!
    2. Find a mentor homeschool mom. Just like my time around other homeschooling families at the library, spending time with a homeschooling mom is giving you an opportunity to see it in "real-life".
    3. Read a few books about starting homeschooling. Your local library should have a wealth of information about homeschooling and things to consider.
    4. Include your spouse. Do NOT however bombard him or her with everything that you are learning about homeschooling. Have open discussions. Listen to each other's concerns and then pray some more. This also includes looking at your financial situation.
    5. Enjoy each moment with your child(ren). Make memories. Go places. Do things. Take plenty of pictures. Read books and more books and more books.
    6. Having a degree is education is NOT necessary to be a successful homeschool parent. God equips those He calls.

Deciding on the best educational approach for your family is a very personal choice. Homeschooling is the path that God is leading my family on currently. I officially started homeschooling my oldest child when she was a little older than 3 years old and now homeschooling three of my children. Do I worry if I'm doing everything perfectly? Some days but I have learned to trust God on this journey. If you are considering homeschooling and would like to chat about it just leave me a comment.

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